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Psychology in the Justice System
Second Edition

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This updated edition extends the first edition's illustration of psychology within the criminal justice system. The criminal justice system is often considered to be a faceless, cold system devoid of any human emotion or characteristic. The field of forensic psychology and the contents of this book illustrate a personal and emotional side of the criminal justice system because of the human influence within the system. The text discusses criminal psychology, police psychology, correctional psychology, legal psychology, and victimology with new topics on police use of force and psychological research within the United States Supreme Court.

Editing by Mark Hanigan and Jenny Spencer - On the Write Track, Inc.

We regret that an index issue occurred in the first printing of the updated edition.  If you purchased a copy of with the index error, here is the updated version of the index with the correct page numbers.


Please accept our deepest apologies for the mix-up and any confusion this may have caused.

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