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Why Verisega?


Verisega is a combination of two words: veritas and asega. Veritas is a Latin word meaning truth, and an asega was a medieval legal or law interpreter.  The combination, as we see it, is a legal interpreter who works to uncover truth in whatever is being examined or discussed.  As a legal advisor, the asega would present an expert opinion regarding law. 


The implication here is that the asega was an objective interpreter, rather than a subjective interpreter linked to one side of the court.  In a similar way, at Verisega Books, we attempt to present truthful, balanced content and ideas.


Mission Statement:

Verisega Books exists to publish honest and trustworthy interpretations in support of social institutions.


Vision Statement:

Our vision is to see every reader enriched by captivating content that encourages examination of social institutions and fosters life-long learning.



Verisega Books values truth, justice, and integrity:

TRUTH: We strive to provide truthful interpretations that are factually and historically accurate or are clearly identified as fiction.

JUSTICE:  We strive to provide balanced interpretations that are grounded in equity.

INTEGRITY: We strive to provide trustworthy interpretations that are based on strong moral principles.

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